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School team tournament 2024!

During 5 weeks, we have had 13 coaches teaching over 100 young people about American football! What a challenge it has been but at the same time so much fun!

On February 15 the Day finally came, after all this practise it was time for the annual School Team Tournament at Kristianstad Arena between  schools Montessori/Nosaby, Fröknegårdsskolan, Önnestad , Öllsjö/Vä and Antonskolan.


It was nervous, tense ...

Did we teach the youngsters enough so that they understand what to do in a game situation?

But then, standing there on the side lines, the feeling was only joy and pride!!


Wow, what a job both coaches and players have done. The players have developed so much in just 5 weeks, unbelievable!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all of you that we got the privilege to know & to coach you these weeks.


Thank you to all of you teachers who have been there and supported all the way to the goal, it means a lot.


Now we hope that some of the 100 participants wants to play more American football with Kristianstad Predators!

Greetings from Elina, Tyson and all the coaches!


Thank you to all coaches, players, teachers and everyone involved for a very successful day!
Hope everyone had fun!

Want to play more American Football!
Read here >

Game results

Link to more pictures

Winner Önnestad!

Winner Fröknegård Girls!


Kristianstad Predators AFF

Phone: 0708 - 65 58 88

Fields addresses:
Kristianstads IP, Konstgräsplan 2, Karlavägen
Kristianstads Fotbollsarena, Ringvägen 14,
291 54 Kristianstad

Postal and invoice address:

Lyckans väg 23, 291 43 Kristianstad

Bank giro: 5041-3020

Swish: 1236703805


Organization number: 802497-2062

Association number: 51746-63

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